New Biome and Battlefield Changes

Hey everyone! So before the next release of the new alpha version and video development, I wanted to show some progress here. I have implemented a way for me to add new biomes for your eyes to have some variety so you are just not staring at the color green the entire time you play.

The new biome will be called the volcanic biome. So far this does not effect gameplay but more or less just gives variety to the different types of battlefields you can see. I am not saying that in the future biomes cannot effect gameplay as that would be a fun idea to mess with. I am mainly just sticking with simplicity so I may expand upon ideas in the future. 

As you can also see in the other screenshot there is a blue hue over the battlefield. This is where you can place pawns. So basically battles will be more vertical. The pawns that are placed in the blue are considered reinforcements. So after the battle has ended, any pawns that are still alive are going to need some help. 

Let me know what you think so far of the changes. Next I am going to be adding more enemy types and one boss. Of course, you will need a little more variety.

Have a good day!


Get Rule and Ruin (Alpha)

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