Version a0.003

Hey everyone! So with this new update, there has been an overhaul to the placement system! There are now designated areas where you may place buildings and pawns. This is to help with formations and help with strategic placement. Enemy pawns now no longer spawn in the four corners of the room. They now spawn along the top of the room. This actually makes battles feel more like battles, as that is kind of what the whole game is about. Automation, and big huge late game battles. There is also a new biome as well. This biome is not even close to being 100% done but I am releasing it in this state to show you further progress. As I have no update schedule, I want to show as much progress as often as I can. 

That is all of the big changes! Have a great day!



Rule and Ruin a0.003 4.7 MB
7 hours ago

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